Ontario First Nations leaders reiterate opposition to Greenbelt land swap in unanimous vote

Chiefs of Ontario says province didn’t adequately consult First Nations on Greenbelt decision UPDATE: Ontario Premier Doug Ford announced Tuesday the government is “exploring” putting protections back on two parts of the Greenbelt in Ajax, Ont., that were slated for housing development. Ford’s office claims the company that owns the land was planning to sell it. First Nations leaders from across Ontario are demanding the provincial government return environmental protections to land it recently removed from the Greenbelt to build housing. The Chiefs of Ontario, an organization that advocates for 133 First Nations inRead more
Dennis King’s Progressive Conservatives win a majority government on P.E.I.

Liberals poised to form Official Opposition as Greens lose all but 2 seats Dennis King will return for a second term as premier of Prince Edward Island after his Progressive Conservatives won 22 seats for a commanding victory in the 2023 provincial election. The Liberals won three seats and will form the Official Opposition, while the Greens fell to third-party status with just two MLAs. Voter turnout was a record low of 68.5 per cent of the province’s roughly 109,587 registered voters, according to Elections P.E.I. That’s down from the 77.66 per cent seen inRead more