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Energy regulator rejects FortisBC’s $327M application for natural gas pipeline

FortisBC had argued that 30 km of new pipeline was needed to meet Okanagan area’s energy demands The B.C. Utilities Commission (BCUC) has rejected an application from FortisBC to build a natural gas pipeline worth $327 million in the Okanagan region. The Okanagan Capacity Upgrade (OCU) project would have seen the installation of 30 kilometres of new pipeline, running north from Penticton to Chute Lake, along with two new power stations to help regulate the pipeline’s flow. FortisBC, the main natural gas utility in the province, said the OCU project wasRead more
Hundreds denied rent supplement after N.S. quietly changed eligibility rules

To qualify, applicants now have to spend at least 50% of their pre-tax income on housing, up from 30% Brian Dauphinee is being renovicted from his $637-a-month Halifax studio apartment at the end of August, and is about to anxiously wade into the city’s increasingly expensive rental market. But the 69-year-old, who lives on a pension, will do so without the help of a rent supplement. He’s one of hundreds of people who have been denied financial aid in recent months under a change made to the joint provincial-federal program.Read more