Poilievre hints to police he would use notwithstanding clause to change justice laws

Conservative leader Pierre Poilievre says he would use “whatever tools the constitution allows” to pass criminal justice laws if his party forms the next government. Speaking to the Canadian Police Association on Monday, Poilievre promised to implement more stringent requirements for bail and make it harder for convicted murderers to transfer out of maximum security prisons. “All of my proposals are constitutional,” Poilievre said. “We will make them constitutional using whatever tools the constitution allows me to use to make them constitutional. I think you know exactly what I mean.”Read more
Toronto police suspensions have cost public $1.3M so far in 2024

Toronto taxpayers have spent roughly $1.3 million dollars so far in 2024 to pay the salaries of 31 suspended Toronto police officers, according to an exclusive database compiled by CBC News that surveyed reports about hundreds of Ontario police officers who were sent home with pay after being accused of misconduct or breaking the law. The investigation collected publicly available information about officers across 44 police departments, including the Toronto Police Service. The Toronto police suspensions are related to a wide variety of allegations including gender-based violence, impaired driving, fraud,Read more
Fentanyl equal to 2.5 million street doses seized at rural property in Mission, B.C.: police

RCMP seizure included 25 kg of pure fentanyl and 3 kg of fentanyl already cut for sale Mission RCMP say they seized a huge quantity of fentanyl from a clandestine drug lab on an acreage in the rural Hatzic Valley in southwest British Columbia. Approximately 25 kilograms of pure fentanyl was seized along with three kilograms of fentanyl already diluted for street distribution. Additional precursor materials used to manufacture the drug were also seized, including 2,000 litres of chemicals and 6,000 litres of hazardous chemical waste, according to an RCMP news release. Police say theRead more
Hundreds of charges laid, 173 guns seized in firearm trafficking operation, police say

42 people arrested, 442 criminal charges laid Dozens of people have been arrested and hundreds of criminal charges laid, police say, in connection with with a yearlong investigation into cross-border gun trafficking. At a news conference hosted by Toronto police Tuesday morning, investigators announced the arrest of 42 people, 442 criminal charges laid and the seizure of 173 guns in Canada and the United States. Three of those arrested are youths, police say. The joint forces investigation was conducted by Toronto police, York Regional Police, Durham Regional Police Service, Ontario ProvincialRead more