Different cities, different wildfires: How 2 Canadian cities are fighting back

Firelines, sprinklers and water bombers: geography and weather play a role in how crews attack fires Powerful wildfires are bearing down on Kelowna, B.C., and Yellowknife, but the two cities have different challenges, constraints and resources as firefighters take them on. Weather, topography, water access and forest conditions are all influencing officials’ strategies to fight the flames in each location. In Yellowknife’s case, fires have been burning near the territorial capital for weeks — since late June, according to the Natural Resources Canada. A fire west of the city expanded and moved closer to theRead more
What fossil eggs found in Alberta reveal about how dinosaurs became birds

Chemical analysis of troodon eggshells show bird-like and reptile-like traits, reveal behaviour Seventy-five million years ago in southern Alberta, a river flooded, burying the eggs of bird-like dinosaurs nesting on the nearby plain. Now, tiny pieces of those fossil egg shells offer new evidence about how dinosaurs lived, bred and evolved into birds. A new study shows emu-sized, meat-eating troodons were as warm-blooded as birds, with body temperatures of more than 40 C. But unlike modern birds such as chickens that can produce one egg a day, troodons used a very slow egg-formingRead more