First nations
Daughter of slain First Nations woman Morgan Harris walks out of meeting with minister

‘I was not respected in that room today,’ says Cambria Harris Cambria Harris walked out of a meeting with a federal minister Monday morning, she said, after the government came with questions about feasibility rather than a firm commitment to search a Winnipeg landfill for her mother’s remains. The bodies of Morgan Harris and Marcedes Myran are suspected to be in the Prairie Green Landfill, a private facility north of the city, and families have been demanding authorities search the site for months. Police have said the women were dumped inRead more
Ontario First Nations leaders reiterate opposition to Greenbelt land swap in unanimous vote

Chiefs of Ontario says province didn’t adequately consult First Nations on Greenbelt decision UPDATE: Ontario Premier Doug Ford announced Tuesday the government is “exploring” putting protections back on two parts of the Greenbelt in Ajax, Ont., that were slated for housing development. Ford’s office claims the company that owns the land was planning to sell it. First Nations leaders from across Ontario are demanding the provincial government return environmental protections to land it recently removed from the Greenbelt to build housing. The Chiefs of Ontario, an organization that advocates for 133 First Nations inRead more
Day of ceremony planned ahead of dig for possible unmarked graves on Manitoba First Nation

Ground to be broken Tuesday on expected 4-week-long excavation under church WARNING: This story includes distressing details. Before the sun broke through the sky Monday morning, members of a Manitoba First Nation planned to start a month-long search in a good way. Spiritual advisers were to lead a pipe ceremony in Minegoziibe Anishinabe while a sacred fire was to be lit near where there may be graves of children who were forced to attend residential school. The sacred fire is expected to burn for the entirety of the estimated four-week-longRead more