Be under arrest
Jury shown video of Nathaniel Veltman pacing in police cell after arrest in attack on Muslim family

4 of 5 Afzaal family members in London, Ont., killed in truck attack June 6, 2021 Warning: This story contains distressing details. For hours, Nathaniel Veltman paces back and forth in his tiny jail cell at London, Ont., police headquarters, sometimes sitting or lying down, following his arrest the evening of June 6, 2021. This footage of the accused in custody is from lengthy police video shown to the jury Thursday at his murder-terror trial in Ontario Superior Court in Windsor, in connection with the attack on a Muslim family. At 9:47Read more
5 arrested at tense faceoff between group protesting ‘gender ideology’ and counter-demonstrators

Hundreds of protesters on both sides led to temporary closure of Broadview Avenue Five people were arrested on Broadview Avenue in Ottawa on Friday, where hundreds of demonstrators gathered to “drown out” and counter a man who was protesting what he calls “gender ideology.” The two groups chanted slogans like “protect trans rights” and “leave the kids alone” at each other, at times separated by a line of police officers. Three schools and a medical centre sit along or near Broadview Avenue close to where the demonstration was held. OnRead more