Driver charged with 1st-degree murder after crash kills 2 children, injures 6 others A 51-year-old man drove a city bus into a daycare in Laval, Que., on Wednesday morning, killing two children and injuring six more. Pierre Ny St-Amand, a bus driver with the Société de transport de Laval (STL), was arrested at the scene. He has been charged with several crimes, including two counts of first-degree murder, attempted murder, aggravated assault and assault with a weapon or causing bodily harm. Around 8:30 a.m., the Laval city bus crashed into the Garderie Éducative de Sainte-RoseRead more
Premiers ‘disappointed’ by lack of new funding but want time to assess Ottawa’s proposal Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced Tuesday the federal government is prepared to spend an eye-popping $196.1 billion on health care over the next decade — including $46.2 billion in new spending on top of funds already budgeted. The deal, which is being pitched by the federal government as a generational fix for an ailing system, would begin with provinces and territories getting an unconditional $2-billion boost to the Canada Health Transfer (CHT) to address what the federalRead more
Organization says it provided assistance to over 96,000 households in wake of devastating storm New numbers released by the Canadian Red Cross show the organization provided assistance to nearly 100,000 households, more than any other natural disaster in Canada. “With Fiona, it impacted hundreds and hundreds of communities scattered throughout all of Eastern Canada,” said Bill Lawlor, the Atlantic director of governance and stakeholder relations with the organization. Fiona resulted in wide-scale impacts, including massive destruction of property and lengthy power outages. Thanks to the generosity of Canadians who contributedRead more
Nathan Chasing Horse, 46, faces charges of sexual assault and sexual abuse of minors The Dances With Wolves actor facing sexual assault charges in B.C. and Nevada is now accused of similar offences in Alberta. The Tsuut’ina Nation Police Service confirm sexual offence-related charges are pending against Nathan Chasing Horse, who is accused of targeting Indigenous women and girls over a span of two decades. Sgt. Nancy Farmer says Chasing Horse, 46, was already banned from Tsuut’ina Nation territory. Farmer says that after speaking with several victims and witnesses “in relation to the actions of Mr.Read more
Widow says families of 2 men killed in 2021 incident wanted to see criminal negligence charges The owners of a tugboat that sank in the waters off Kitimat, B.C., two years ago, causing the deaths of two workers, are now facing several charges under the Workers Compensation Act. Wainwright Marine Services and James Geoffrey Bates, the president of parent company Bates Properties Ltd., were each charged Monday with eight counts of violating occupational health and safety provisions, according to court records. The charges stem from the Feb. 10, 2021, sinkingRead more
Taymour Aghtai, 28, won’t serve any more time behind bars for calls to Lynn Valley Care Centre The man who made dozens of hoax calls to staff at the care home that would later record Canada’s first death from COVID-19 has been sentenced for his “elaborate, dangerous and damaging deception,” though he won’t serve any more time behind bars for the crime. Taymour Aghtai, 28, stood in provincial court on Tuesday as he was sentenced to two years less a day for his behaviour towards staff at the Lynn Valley Care CentreRead more
Dezenas de milhares de dinamarqueses manifestaram-se hoje contra o plano do Governo de abolir um feriado para financiar o orçamento da Defesa, quando decorre a guerra na Ucrânia. “Éuma proposta totalmente injusta”, disse Lizette Risgaard, dirigente do sindicato FH, que promoveu a manifestação e que conta com 1,3 milhões de filiados na Dinamarca, país com 5,9 milhões de habitantes. Segundo a polícia e a organização do protesto, na manifestação em Copenhaga participaram entre 40.000 e 50.000 pessoas, de vários pontos do país. Os manifestantes concentraram-se em frente ao parlamento, segurandoRead more
Os corpos foram descobertos numa propriedade nas dependências da escola. Está agora em curso uma investigação para apurar as circunstâncias das mortes dos três elementos da família. Adiretora do Epsom College, um estabelecimento escolar privado, no Reino Unido, foi encontrada morta, este domingo, ao lado do marido e da filha, de sete anos, também eles sem vida, numa propriedade nas dependências da instituição, avança a BBC News. A polícia de Surrey foi hoje acionada para o local e descobriu os corpos de Emma Pattison, de 45 anos, George, de 39,Read more
O ex-chefe da diplomacia de Chipre Nikos Christodoulides venceu hoje as eleições presidenciais, mas ficou muito aquém do resultado necessário para evitar uma segunda volta, que se realizará no próximo domingo. Christodoulidis obteve mais de 31% dos votos, de acordo com os mais recentes resultados apurados. No segundo lugar, com 29% dos votos, ficou o candidato apoiado pelo principal partido da oposição ao Governo, Andreas Mavroyiannis, que também disputará a segunda volta. Averof Neophytou, líder do partido que apoia o Governo, fica de fora da segunda volta, depois de terRead more
Este mês, faz um ano desde que a Ucrânia foi invadida e violentamente atacada pelas tropas russas, uma guerra que foi condenada pela generalidade da comunidade internacional, que tem respondido com envio de armamento para a Ucrânia e imposição à Rússia de sanções políticas e económicas. AUcrânia está à espera de uma possível ofensiva russa este mês, na sequência do primeiro aniversário da invasão – que se marca no dia 24. No entanto, em conferência de imprensa, o ainda ministro da Defesa da Ucrânia, Oleksii Reznikov, revelou que as tropasRead more