Monday, January 8th, 2024
Roundabout, special U-turn among options proposed for site of Manitoba highway crash that killed 17

Rework intersection near Carberry where busload of seniors was hit by semi, report says Manitoba is overhauling a highway intersection where more than a dozen seniors on a bus trip to a casino were killed in a crash in June, in response to safety concerns identified after the deadly collision. The province will do that through one of three options — a roundabout, a wider median or a setup that forces drivers to make a U-turn instead of turning left — identified in a new report released Monday on the safety of the intersectionRead more
National Defence vows to get better at helping men who report military sexual misconduct

The number of male soldiers reporting sexual misconduct has been increasing The Department of National Defence (DND) says it’s taking steps to improve training for staff at the military’s sexual misconduct support centre, acknowledging that men who report being abused have not always felt “safe, secure and supported.” The federal government issued a notice late in December saying it intends to award a sole-source contract to an Ottawa-based company to provide personnel training at the Sexual Misconduct Support and Resource Centre (SMSRC). The centre “has a requirement for the provision of training on how to bestRead more