Wednesday, November 29th, 2023
Cree elder has been playing fiddle for 70 years — and opened his grandson’s wedding with 1st tune he learned

Malcolm House, 82, played ‘Soldier’s Joy’ at wedding last month in Chisasibi Malcolm House was 12 years old when he first started playing the fiddle in northern Quebec Cree territory, back in 1953. At the time, he had to go visit a friend and play his fiddle, because House didn’t have one of his own. Seventy years later, House is still fiddling — and last month, he played the first fiddle tune of the evening at an important family event in Chisasibi, in northern Quebec. Playing the first tune, before the dancing starts,Read more
KPMG wants CRA affidavit in tax ‘sham’ case struck from public record

CBC/Radio-Canada granted standing to oppose motion to strike In a court hearing last April, a judge agreed to restrict public access to documents in a $37-million tax “sham” case. KPMG Law requested the temporary sealing order in the case regarding its client Gold Line Telemanagement, which the Canada Revenue Agency alleges was involved in a “carousel scheme.” Now, The Fifth Estate has learned that KPMG has applied to the court to have the affidavit at issue struck from the record completely — preventing the public from ever knowing what was in that CRARead more