Monday, October 30th, 2023
A northern Saskatchewan community is calling for help amid unrelenting violence

Pelican Narrows under state of emergency after killing of teen: ‘It’s crazy out there,’ elder says At 10 p.m., a blaring siren signals it’s time for people throughout Pelican Narrows to go home. Residents of the northern Saskatchewan community say it often precedes the sounds of gunshots. The siren is one action taken as part of a state of emergency that has been in effect for nearly a year in the approximately 2,173-person Pelican Narrows reserve, about 420 kilometres northeast of Saskatoon. That state of emergency has recently been expanded to the restRead more
Sask. would lead Canada in firefighter cancer coverage if bill passes

Sask. government announced in throne speech it wants to add 6 more cancers to WCB presumptive coverage Firefighters in Saskatchewan are thrilled that they may soon get the broadest cancer coverage in the country. The provincial government announced last week in its throne speech that it intends to table the Workers’ Compensation (Extending Firefighter Coverage) Amendment Act during the fall legislative sitting. If passed, the bill would add six types of cancer to the Saskatchewan Workers’ Compensation Board (WCB) presumptive cancer coverage. “It’s good to see that the provincial governmentRead more