Friday, October 27th, 2023
Poilievre says Trudeau’s carbon tax pause is a ‘scam’ to win re-election

Conservative leader says home heating oil tax holiday does nothing to help Canadians using natural gas The prime minister’s decision to temporarily exempt home heating oil from the carbon tax is a “scam” designed to turn around Liberal fortunes in the polls, Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre said Friday. “What caused [Prime Minister] Justin Trudeau to freak out yesterday and hold a sudden press conference to announce that he was going to pause the carbon tax on home heating oil? The answer is that he was plummeting in the polls,” PoilievreRead more
Accused RCMP leaker asked colleague to compile top-secret report on organized crime, jury hears

Cameron Ortis’s lawyers claim their client had the ‘authority’ to do everything that he did Former RCMP intelligence director Cameron Ortis asked a subordinate to compile a top-secret report on criminal organizations’ use of encrypted phones about a year before prosecutors say he leaked sensitive information to a Canadian accused of selling such devices, the jury in his trial heard earlier this week. Gregory O’Hayon worked under Ortis in a unit within the RCMP called operation research (OR), which was meant to brief senior leadership on emerging threats based on intelligenceRead more