Monday, September 18th, 2023
Daughter of slain First Nations woman Morgan Harris walks out of meeting with minister

‘I was not respected in that room today,’ says Cambria Harris Cambria Harris walked out of a meeting with a federal minister Monday morning, she said, after the government came with questions about feasibility rather than a firm commitment to search a Winnipeg landfill for her mother’s remains. The bodies of Morgan Harris and Marcedes Myran are suspected to be in the Prairie Green Landfill, a private facility north of the city, and families have been demanding authorities search the site for months. Police have said the women were dumped inRead more
Secondary cases of E. coli grow in aftermath of Calgary outbreak: Alberta Health Services

Daycares not served by shared kitchen closed due to what is believed to be secondary spread There are now 348 lab-confirmed cases of E. coli in the city following an outbreak at Calgary daycares, Alberta Health Services said in an update Monday. That figure includes 27 lab-confirmed secondary cases, which is an increase of four since Saturday, said the emailed statement from the provincial health body. This comes after an outbreak of the shiga toxin-producing E. coli, which can cause serious issues. The outbreak has sent children to hospital and some areRead more