Monday, July 10th, 2023
Spinach and sheep are showing us that solar farms aren’t solely for green energy

University of Alberta team grows plants under solar panels in laboratory test New work from the University of Alberta is looking to maximize the green energy that comes from the province’s solar farms. The practice is known as agrivoltaics — placing crops under solar panels, effectively doubling down on the efficiency of a booming solar energy sector. In this case, the crop is spinach. “In several ways it’s a win-win,” said soil scientist Guillermo Hernandez Ramirez, a professor in the U of A’s faculty of agricultural, life and environmental sciences. SolarRead more
Campfire ban in place for most of B.C., state of emergency for Stikine announced as wildfire numbers spike

British Columbia is imposing a campfire ban across the province, excepting only Haida Gwaii, as well as a state of emergency for the Stikine Region in the province’s northwest corner. “I think what’s clear to me is the climate crisis is here,” said B.C. Minister of Emergency Management and Climate Readiness Bowinn Ma during a media briefing Monday afternoon. “We are seeing more climate events, major fires and droughts. This is an extremely challenging time for people and communities. It is immensely stressful.” The campfire ban goes into effect at 3Read more