Wednesday, June 14th, 2023
Notre-Dame-des-Neiges cemetery in Montreal to remain closed for Father’s Day

Cemetery, workers unable to reach agreement after months of work stoppage Despite opening on Mother’s Day, the Notre-Dame-des-Neiges cemetery, shuttered since January due to a labour dispute, will remain closed on Father’s Day. The cemetery opened last month for a single day to allow relatives to visit their loved ones’ graves but large lineups formed at the only open entrance. It was the first time the cemetery had been open to the public in months. “For sure it was really popular but it was a disaster,” said Éric Dufault, the presidentRead more
B.C. is burning through its wildfire budget well before the season even peaks

Total budget for 2023 season at $204M, as province transitions B.C. Wildfire Service to year-round service The B.C Wildfire Service (BCWS) has now spent $105.3 million fighting fires so far this season, burning through half of its allocated budget well before the start of the peak fire season. The service provided the figures in a statement to CBC News on Monday. The BCWS’s total budget for the 2023 fire season is $204 million. In 2022, the budget was $199 million. “However, B.C. Wildfire Service has the authority to spend as required over those amounts for suppression activity,Read more