February, 2023
Diretora do Epsom College, marido e filha de sete anos encontrados mortos

Os corpos foram descobertos numa propriedade nas dependências da escola. Está agora em curso uma investigação para apurar as circunstâncias das mortes dos três elementos da família. Adiretora do Epsom College, um estabelecimento escolar privado, no Reino Unido, foi encontrada morta, este domingo, ao lado do marido e da filha, de sete anos, também eles sem vida, numa propriedade nas dependências da instituição, avança a BBC News. A polícia de Surrey foi hoje acionada para o local e descobriu os corpos de Emma Pattison, de 45 anos, George, de 39,Read more
Presidência de Chipre apenas ficará decidida numa segunda volta eleitoral

O ex-chefe da diplomacia de Chipre Nikos Christodoulides venceu hoje as eleições presidenciais, mas ficou muito aquém do resultado necessário para evitar uma segunda volta, que se realizará no próximo domingo. Christodoulidis obteve mais de 31% dos votos, de acordo com os mais recentes resultados apurados. No segundo lugar, com 29% dos votos, ficou o candidato apoiado pelo principal partido da oposição ao Governo, Andreas Mavroyiannis, que também disputará a segunda volta. Averof Neophytou, líder do partido que apoia o Governo, fica de fora da segunda volta, depois de terRead more
Ucrânia tem “reservas” para repelir possível ofensiva russa este mês

Este mês, faz um ano desde que a Ucrânia foi invadida e violentamente atacada pelas tropas russas, uma guerra que foi condenada pela generalidade da comunidade internacional, que tem respondido com envio de armamento para a Ucrânia e imposição à Rússia de sanções políticas e económicas. AUcrânia está à espera de uma possível ofensiva russa este mês, na sequência do primeiro aniversário da invasão – que se marca no dia 24. No entanto, em conferência de imprensa, o ainda ministro da Defesa da Ucrânia, Oleksii Reznikov, revelou que as tropasRead more
Israel. Ministro garante que polémica reforma judicial não parará

O ministro da Justiça de Israel, Yariv Levin, disse hoje que o Governo não tenciona parar “nem um minuto” a tramitação da controversa reforma judicial, questionada por algumas das principais autoridades do país, incluindo o Presidente, Isaac Herzog. Numa entrevista televisiva, Yariv Levin criticou os que procuram “colocar paus nas rodas”, salientando que reformas como a que está em causa são “fundamentais”. E disse que o Governo está disposto a introduzir mudanças, mas lamentou que não haja “um único deputado responsável” na oposição com quem se possa falar. A reformaRead more
How Lil Bands grew from a ‘ragtag’ start to become a major First Nations hockey tournament

38 teams from 12 remote communities meeting in Dryden, Ont., this year The Lil Bands hockey tournament of 20 years ago would have been unrecognizable to anyone entering the Dryden and Eagle Lake arenas this week. Thirty-eight First Nations youth hockey teams from across northern Ontario — and one from Manitoba — are in Dryden for this year’s tournament, which began Tuesday and runs through Sunday. And the players, to be sure, have been having a blast. Several told CBC News they’re enjoying the games themselves, along with the off-the-ice events Lil Bands offers. Beth Gagnon wasRead more
Kinuk the polar bear had to go to the vet. It took ‘a very big team effort’ — and a forklift

Kinuk travels almost 200 km for treatment by team of Quebec veterinarians Rolling around and lying lazily in the snow of his enclosure at the Quebec City Aquarium, four-year-old Kinuk seems to have recovered from his big trip to the vet in December. He still shows scars from the medical procedures — notably his shaved stomach and patches on his paws and head where his black skin shows. Two weeks prior to that journey, staff had noticed a change in Kinuk’s behaviour and a few tremors. “At the beginning weRead more
Burst pipes around Nova Scotia have plumbers scrambling to keep up

‘Pipes are breaking all over the city,’ says Halifax fire official Gavin Hankin of Halifax Plumbing and Heating wasn’t looking forward to Sunday. “[Sunday] is going to be catastrophic because these [water] lines that have frozen, you know, they’re likely to split and then leak and then flood,” he said late Saturday afternoon. Hankin was on call and said he received around 100 calls for service to deal with frozen pipes that happened because of the extreme cold that gripped the province. Temperatures dipped as low as –28 C inRead more
Eastern Ontario town to debate whether oath to King Charles should be scrapped

Quebec passed similar bill in December removing allegiance requirement for MNAs Town council in Prescott, Ont., is set to consider a motion calling on the Ontario government to follow Quebec’s lead by scrapping a requirement that elected officials swear an oath of allegiance to King Charles III. The motion is being brought forward by Coun. Lee McConnell, and if it receives a seconder, it will be discussed by council on Feb. 27. If passed, council in the town roughly 90 kilometres south of Ottawa would then call on Minister of Municipal Affairs and HousingRead more
Calls grow to declare Toronto homelessness a public health crisis after extreme cold

City data shows 99 per cent of warming centre spaces occupied on Friday during extreme cold warning Councillors in Toronto are set to consider keeping warming centres open 24-7 for the rest of the winter amid growing calls for homelessness to be declared a public health crisis in the city. Most of Ontario was under extreme cold warnings late last week, with frigid temperatures presenting greater risks for those without proper shelter. Calls to keep warming centres open around the clock in Toronto have been growing, with community workers andRead more
Elon Musk cleared in trial over tweets about taking Tesla private

Jury deliberated whether tweet artificially inflated automaker’s share price A U.S. jury has cleared Elon Musk of wrongdoing for 2018 tweets in which he declared he had financing to take Tesla private. The nine jurors found the Tesla Inc. CEO his company were not liable for misleading investors when he tweeted in 2018 that he had lined up funding to take the electric car company private. Plaintiffs had claimed billions in damages and the decision also had been seen as important for Musk himself, who has aggressively defended his ability toRead more